Christ my Everything
Christ is my everything, only him is my all.
Christ is my everything, both great and small.
Christ is my everything, both now and ever.
Christ is my everything: blessings both spiritual and physical.
Christ my everything, the secret place of God I live in.
Christ my everything, my meditation and mentality.
Christ my everything, the God I serve.
Christ my everything, the sum of all spiritual things I have:
My christ, My Safety. My christ, My Righteousness.
My christ, My Provision. My christ, My Holiness.
Christ my everything, I don’t have many things in me.
But only one Gift who has become all things to me.
He does not just give me things apart from himself,
He is the things, he does it, by himself.
He is not the pillar that holds my life nor did he just give it to me.
He is the life, he gave me.
So, the life I have: Zoe is not a thing.
The life I have is a person: Christ, my everything.
I am satisfied today because of my reward.
For Christ is my satisfaction, christ is my reward.
Glory!!! My saviour is My Salvation.
My Santifier is my Sanctification.
Christ my everything, christ my all.
Christ my everything, My God in me.
For this remain the crux of the matter:
That christ is the centrality of all things.
That we don’t have many things in christ,
But one Gift who to us is all things.
By Hope Omoruyi